Saturday, November 30, 2019

Internationalization and Global Expansion of Westfarmers limited

Introduction The company overview Westfarmers Ltd is amongst the biggest retail chains in Australia. The company was established in 1945 with the objective of providing consumers with high quality and reliable products that met their aspirations of getting value for their money. Because of the firm’s concerted efforts, it achieved exceptional growth and is now amongst the largest listed retail firms and employers in the country.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Internationalization and Global Expansion of Westfarmers limited specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Currently, the firm is highly diversified offering varying products and services to its consumers (Westfarmers, Limited, 2012). Presently, the company’s main objective is to increase its brand awareness within the Australian market and establish itself in the international market. In addition, the company aims to establish and increase its brand loyalty in major Asian emerging markets such as India and China. The main reason why Westfarmers limited is planning to expand and establish into the Indian and Chinese markets is to increase its global market share. Currently many retail chains are expanding globally, particularly in the emerging economies because of the massive potential they provide in terms of constantly increasing demand for consumer goods (Westfarmers, Limited 2012). The reason why India and China continue to remain the major targets for international expansion is the immense potential for rapid economic growth and rise in consumer spending. Currently, the two countries hold the world’s largest and fastest growing middle-class with constantly increasing spending patterns on consumer products. Rapid economic growth and easy availability of natural and human resources at lower costs will enable the firm to operate at low-cost, thereby increasing its competitive advantage. This paper will analyze the inter nationalization policy of Westfarmers Ltd with the basic objective of answering the crucial issue of what strategies it will have to adopt and what actions it will have to take in becoming a major player in the global market. This question will be best answered by deciding and justifying the paths that the company will take while working towards achieving success in relation to its positioning, use of resources and effectively functioning within the institutional frameworks of its chosen businesses in the new markets.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main objective of this report lies in making the right recommendations that will ensure successful implementation of short and long term strategies in order to increase its market share and thus to achieve financial success in a highly competitive globalized business environment. Situation analysis Company analysis Westfarme rs limited is a publicly listed Australian company specializing in retail chains including super markets and chain stores. In meeting up with its international expansion plans, the company intends to increase its brand awareness and to establish and increase its brand loyalty in major Asian markets such as India and China. Given that the global retail industry is slated to grow exponentially in the next five years, it is beneficial for Westfarmers to expand into China and India, which are currently the fastest growing economies providing massive potential for firms to tap the growing markets in these countries. In Australia, Westfarmers’ market share is robust with expected growth of 1.67% annually and this growth in its market share is driven by the popularity of its brands particularly among the middle-income earners. Westfaarmers has demonstrated exceptional financial results, which is evident from the financial numbers in its balance sheet and financial statements provide d in the Appendix to this paper. It is pertinent to note in this regard that the economies of China and India are also growing very fast because of the increasing size of the middle class that are now having greater disposable incomes to spend on consumer goods. Westfarmers limited is in a strong position to tap this huge potential and grab a larger share of these markets. Westfarmers will use its brands in meeting the demands of the growing middle class in these countries, particularly for consumer goods and once it becomes popular it can hope to become a leader in the retail market. However, the retail industry is highly competitive and volatile because of the presence of major global brands as well as well established local brands, which means that Westfarmers will have to operate in a highly competitive environment (Rawski, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Internationalization and Global Expansion of Westfarmers limited specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although retail markets in China and India are growing, they are being tapped by many other international retail chains (Aulakh Kotabe, 2007). Nevertheless, if Westfarmers is able to make a strong presence in these markets, it will generate over ten billion dollars of revenues in the next five years. Competitor and industry analysis Porters Five Forces The Porters Five Forces model is highly useful in understanding the competitive environment in which Westfarmers will operate in the new markets (Porter, 2000). Customers will have greater bargaining power because Westfarmers products can easily be substituted by products offered by other retailers, meaning that the company’s position is weakened because of these circumstances. The bargaining power of suppliers is not very high because of the large numbers of companies that strive to supply consumer goods at the lowest possible prices. It is very easy for Westfarmers to swit ch and change its suppliers if their products or services are not in keeping with its expectations. At the same time, it has to be provided that despite the presence of large numbers of suppliers it is not practical to change them frequently (Dunning, 2003). The threat of new entrants is very high in the retail industry, which is why Westfarmers will have to go into additional cost to maintain its brand loyalty and promote new products. Competitive rivalry in the retail sector is very high in view of the large size of the operators and their ability to enter new markets (Wernerfelt, 2009). SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis allows for determining the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses, thus providing a basis to work towards removing the weaknesses and making the strengths stronger. In addition threats and opportunities are identified, which allows for the framing of appropriate proactive policies to achieve organizational goals (Davies Ellis 2000, p.1190). The biggest strength of Westfarmers is its market leadership, which allows it to have unparalleled competitive advantage and a strong basis to go ahead with its globalization strategy. It’s already diversified structure allows it to alter its product mix in meeting customer expectations, which results in enhanced sales. The company’s differentiation policy clearly demarcates its products from its competitors.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Staff members are highly skilled and enjoy shared values, which lead to common goals. In addition, Westfarmers enjoys an excellent reputation in Australia because it has consistently provided value to customers (Belin Pham, 2007). A major weakness of the company is that its differentiated strategy is not effectively communicated to consumers. The company distribution channels have not yet fully developed to allow speedy delivery of the products to the consumers. Sometimes, the company’s business model is not adaptable to the changes that might take place in the market particularly in hard economic times when smaller formats may be preferable to the consumers (Porter, 2000). Westfarmers has several opportunities because of the fact that its target market is the largest segment demographically and the growth in the disposable income among the middle class appears to be high. In addition, Westfarmers’ expansionist strategy ensures its absorption and mergers with companie s that offer direct competition (Porter, 2000). Westfarmers has already established strong and long-term relationship with the suppliers thereby reducing most of the supply costs. Therefore, clients’ dependency hitherto established and developed is another opportunity for the Westfarmers management to thrive. Threats for Westfarmers have surfaced by way of the ability of smaller competitors to enter the market with lesser investments, while being able to erode its customer base. In addition to the threats of new entrants, small and medium sized firms and larger corporations offer substitute products. The declining revenue because of such developments may affect the company expansion strategy. China and India, where Westfarmers plans to expand do not have a stable regulatory In addition, the firm is planning to invest in countries with structure, which means there is risk in making such huge investments. The expansionist strategies Westfarmers is a highly diversified company a nd therefore requires strong corporate strategy to expand into the international market. The diversification is in both product and in operations. The company started with a single product line and operation. However, by 2010, the company has diversified into various business operations offering numerous product and service lines. The Westfarmers expansion strategy will enable the firm diversify into more product line as well as the market as the international markets will offer more opportunities for growth and development. The corporate strategy applied by the company Westfarmers is using related corporate strategy where the company is using its operations to expand and remain competitive into the market. Since the company was already in the retail and related industry, the major issue in the corporate strategy is how to put together its operations to boost its combined performance, leverage its value chain fits and establish its investment priorities. The company will use its lon g-term trends in its expansionist strategies including takeovers mergers and acquisitions. Besides its organized franchise strategy, the company is efficient in its value chain management. The company products are distributed to the franchisees stores within the shortest time possible before its competitors. The way the company manages its distribution channels add value and make the corporation be more competitive. The business level strategy applied by the company Even though the company is selling similar merchandise, the products are highly differentiated making the Westfarmers’ products unique and attractive in the market. In essence, the Westfarmers’ products are differentiated from the competitions in terms of price and appearance. Westfarmers ensures that all the products needed by the customers are present in their stores and offer value to the customers. With technological advantage in operations, the company offers products at low cost. In other words, the c ompany products are affordable and are of high quality compared to the competing products. In addition, the company first position in the industry has enabled its products to be sold globally particularly on new markets. The innovativeness in the product line has also increased the company competitiveness in both domestic and international markets. The company functional and entrepreneurial strategy Westfarmers is taking any opportunity to market its products or introduce its products into the market. The company is taking advantage of its efficient supply chain management and distribution to ensure that its products reach the market. In fact, the company well developed supply chain and distribution increases its competitive advantage. The firm uses its supply chain and distribution functions to expand quickly into the new market. The international expansion strategies Westfarmers is dedicated to provide international clients with the best products that would give them the best usab ility experience. The peripherals and services have driven the company to open up its operations in the major emerging markets particularly in China. Westfarmers expansion approach is to create a balance between its exceptional capability to devise and build up its own products that would provide its clients the best qualities that they are looking for and offering solutions to their needs. Together with other expansion policies, Westfarmers keeps on developing and advancing the stage for retailing innovative products as well as offering the best quality and standardized consumer products all over the globe. As a result, the company is planning to open up its operations in China due to the fast growth in GDP and the larger market (Alfaro et al., 2004). Currently China economic growth is surpassing that of US and Japan making the country attractive for consumer product investments. The growing global consumer products market is an opportunity for the company particularly in countries like China, which is experiencing economic boom. Moreover, the huge population and increasing application of Westfarmers’ products by the middle-class generation offer a potential market. Moreover, the innovative capabilities of the company are another opportunity to introduce new products into this large market (Blomstermo et al., 2006). Besides economic growth and market opportunities, the international operations offer an opportunity for the company to produce commodities at low cost (Alfaro et al., 2004). The company’s Chinese subsidiary will operates at low wages compared to that in Australia. In addition, the operations in China will reduce the distribution cost thus enabling the company to offer its products at competitive prices (Chen Mujtaba, 2007). The Chinese subsidiary is strategically located to serve and meet the demands of the locals. In essence, the company is taking advantage of the benefits the foreign country offers towards its operations while ret aining its technological aspects (Anders, 2008). The country operation advantages include the cost of factors of production such as labor cost, factor endowment such as availability of supplies as well as the reduced distribution costs. The technological aspects that the company has to retained include research and development along with the defining managerial procedures (Chen Mujtaba, 2007). Therefore, the company has to come up with an expansion strategy that will ensure the realization of the goals. Various expansion strategies are available to the firm to establish and position within the international market. Entering into the international market comes with increased costs and risks. Therefore, firms must be critical while deciding on the international market entry modes. Firms, while expanding into the international markets can apply several strategies. However, for retail companies such as Westfarmers, franchising, joint ventures and utterly held auxiliaries will be the mo st appropriate. Franchising Westfarmers can utilize the business knowledge of other retail chains acting as a franchisee in host countries to expand the company’s business activities. In this strategy, Westfarmers is supposed to provide capital, technical skills, and business expertise. The firm can use this mode in countries where there is uncertainty in political and economic conditions as in the case of China (Arregle et al., 2006). The uncertainty in the foreign markets makes this mode of entry more suitable for retail chains. The major advantage of this mode is that the company does not need to bear the costs and risks related to development and entry into the new market (Aulakh Kotabe, 2007). The cutback in overheads and threats allied to charters enlarges the corporation’s efficacy in searching for the fresh marketplace. However, the corporation will hardly have any power over the trade dealings mostly where the by-laws call for the businesses to observe the em inence ideals. Moreover, in the circumstances that the franchisee does not strictly obey the agreed rules and regulations, the firm can easily fail in this strategy. Joint ventures This is the most commonly used entry mode by firms including retail chains all over the world (Arregle et al., 2006). The entry mode requires that the Westfarmers form an alliance with similar firm in the foreign country in order to attain the greater position in the market. In most cases, the joint venture involves equal share of costs and benefits (Blomstermo et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the businesses functions as well as operations are regularly detached from the company control. Moreover, the supervisory tasks are analogous and mutual by each corporation. In order to achieve stringent direction and have superior allocation entitlements, Westfarmers will have to devote additional finance to the mutual schemes. The advantage with this entry mode is that risks and costs are shared (Arregle et al., 2006) . In addition, Westfarmers would gain market knowledge from the joint venture firm as well as explore the foreign market with the help of the other firm with political and economic issues put into consideration. With little regard to the conflicts that might arise from the joint venture, Westfarmers take advantage of the local firm’s capability of influencing the local government to allow the company to enter, establish, and dominate the markets. Utterly held auxiliaries This is the best entry mode for the Westfarmers. Utterly held subsidiary mean that the company will have total control of all its operations. In other words, Westfarmers will have to cuddle a hundred percent allotment of the far-off units. For the firm to own a subsidiary, Westfarmers must establish a new entity with full operations into this market or fully acquire an existing firm (Davies Ellis 2000, p.1190). The acquired firm must be well built within the industry. Westfarmers stand to gain a lot from thi s mode as the company can easily promote the products and services. However, there are increased costs associated with this mode of entry (Arregle et al., 2006). Recommendations Foreign investments in India and China are required to be made through the FDI (Foreign Direct Investments) route by making applications to the respective governments. Because the governments of these emerging economies are too eager to attract foreign investments, they have introduced speedy processes with negligible bureaucratic formalities. Mostly all approvals are given from a single window whereby the investing company can get all licenses and approvals from a single office. Once Westfarmers makes the financial resources available, the approvals to invest in India will be given within two months, after which the company is free to enter and purchase land and buildings and other infrastructure to initiate its expansion plans. It is important to note that entry routes into these countries for the purpose of doing business are very easy and convenient because both economies stand to gain because of the inflow of capital, which will lead to economic development and increase in employment opportunities. The entire process of getting the necessary approvals of establishing and setting up facilities in the two countries will not take more than three months. Entering into the international market comes with increased costs and risks. Therefore, firms must be critical while deciding on the internationalization. Critical analysis of the international expansion strategies will enable the firm establish and benefit from the international markets. The key areas to focus on while setting up business in China and India are land, buildings, infrastructure and availability of resources. Westfarmers will have to do a lot of sourcing of local merchandise, products and food items from within the given countries in complying with the tastes of local consumers. Setting up an effective framework for thi s will take four months because there will be a large number of products and items for which prior sourcing arrangements will have to be made by partnering with local producers and suppliers. Performing cost benefit analysis will go a long way in determining the extent of profitability Westfarmers will be able to achieve with its investments in China and India. The objective is to gain in a new market for which costs will have to be provided for research, cost of production, cost of marketing, wages to workers, costs of investments and other miscellaneous expenses. It is essential to conduct a thorough market research in order to get correct facts about the market and about consumer preferences so that appropriate marketing strategies can be framed for different consumer segments. Conducting market research and getting and applying its outcomes will take another three months, but this is essential for Westfarmers to get a correct picture of the environment in which it will operate. In essence, the company’s corporate strategy will have to be aligned with the market needs of the two countries, which will obviously be different for each region. The next step will be to leverage the value chains that fit well with the investment priorities of the company. This process will take another six months. For any retail company it is very important to frame a well organized franchise strategy because it plays a major role in making value chain management more effective. The next stage for Westfarmers will be to establish an efficient distribution system because international chain stores require implementation of specific techniques to remain competitive. The ways in which the company manages its distribution system will have an important bearing on its market position. Efficiency in value chain management will entail a great deal of competitive advantages for Westfarmers. This process will take four months after which Westfarmers can confidently commence its busi ness operations in the respective markets. The next stage in the business cycle will be the design and implementation of appropriate marketing strategies in order to attract customers. An appropriate positioning strategy will have to be devised by including the most efficient elements of product, price, promotion and place (markets). The objective will be to use the research outcomes in the best ways in order to survive in the competition, win a steady flow of customers in each segment and to retain loyal customers by constantly offering them value propositions for the purchases they make in Westfarmers stores across the country. Designing and implementing the marketing strategy for different market segments can be quite tricky, particularly for retail companies because of the intense competition in the sector whereby customers can switch stores with the slightest provocation by way of being attracted by the propositions of other operators or by being put off with even minor deficie ncies in service. Overall, the implementation of marketing programs will take two months after which their outcomes will begin emerging in terms of customer visits to the stores. Therefore, in these 24 months, Westfarmers will be in a strong position to determine its future course of action in terms of future investments in the two countries. References Aiginger, K 2006, â€Å"Competitiveness: from a dangerous obsession to a welfare creating ability with positive externalities,† Journal of Industrial Trade and Competition, vol.6 no.3, pp.63–66. Alfaro, L, Chanda, A, Kalemli-Ozcan, S Sayek, S 2004, â€Å"FDI and economic growth, the role of local financial markets,† Journal of International Economics, vol.64 no.2, pp.113-134. Anders, P 2008, â€Å"Strategy antecedents of modes of entry into foreign markets,† Journal of Business Research, vol.61 no.2, pp.132-137. Arregle J, Hebert, L Beamish, P 2006, â€Å"Mode of international entry: the advantages of m ultilevel methods,† Management International Review, vol.46 no.5, pp.597-611. Aulakh, P Kotabe, M 2007, â€Å"Antecedents and performance implications of channel integration in foreign markets,† Journal of International Business Studies, vol.8 no.1, pp.145-175. Belin, J Pham, C 2007, â€Å"Global expansion: balancing a uniform performance culture with local conditions,† Strategy leadership, vol.35 no.6, pp.44-73. Blomstermo, A, Sharma, D Sallis, J 2006, â€Å"Choice of foreign market entry mode in service firms,† International Marketing Review, vol.23 no.2, pp.211-213. Chen, L Mujtaba, B 2007, â€Å"The choice of entry mode strategies and decisions for international market expansion,† Journal of American Academy of Business, vol.10 no.2, pp.322-344. Davies, H Ellis, P 2000, â€Å"Porter’s competitive advantage of nations: time for the final judgment?† Journal of Management Studies, vol.37 no.2, pp.1189–1213. Dunning, J 200 3, â€Å"Internationalizing porter’s diamond,† management International Review, vol.30 no.6, pp.5-13. Porter, M 2000, â€Å"Location, competition, and economic development: Local clusters in a global economy,† Economic Development Quarterly, vol.14 no.1, pp.15–35. Rawski, T 2011, â€Å"The rise of china’s economy.† Journal of Foreign Policy, vol.16 no.6, pp.732-746. Wernerfelt, B 2009, â€Å"A resource-based view of the firm,† Strategic Management Journal, vol.15 no.26, pp.2171–2180. Westfarmers Limited 2012, 2012 annual report, Westfarmers Limited In-house publishing, Portsmouth, Australia. Appendix Wesfarmers Ltd (WES) Balance Sheet Period Ending: 2012 30/06 2011 30/06 2010 30/06 2009 30/06 Total Current Assets 10911 10218 9674 9944 Cash and Short Term Investments 2279 1885 2705 3127 Cash 417 264 237 311 Cash Equivalents 112 97 85 79 Short Term Investments 1750 1524 2383 2737 Total Receivables, Net 2922 2704 2086 1893 Accounts Receivables – Trade, Net 1733 1506 1322 1279 Total Inventory 5006 4987 4658 4665 Prepaid Expenses 133 92 25 68 Other Current Assets, Total 571 550 200 191 Total Assets 42312 40814 39236 39062 Property/Plant/Equipment, Total – Net 9463 8302 7542 6912 Property/Plant/Equipment, Total – Gross 14248 12403 11158 9835 Accumulated Depreciation, Total -4785 -4101 -3616 -2923 Goodwill, Net 16097 16227 16206 16273 Intangibles, Net 4393 4353 4328 4365 Long Term Investments 677 1001 679 410 Note Receivable – Long Term 33 9 28 211 Other Long Term Assets, Total 738 704 779 947 Other Assets, Total – – – – Total Current Liabilities 10747 8722 7852 7561 Accounts Payable 5420 5059 4603 4054 Payable/Accrued – – – – Accrued Expenses 1035 954 – – Notes Payable/Short Term Debt 570 266 205 197 Current Port. of LT Debt/Capital Leases 1051 – 99 437 Other Current liabilities, Total 2671 2443 2945 2873 Total Liabilities 16685 15485 14542 14814 Total Long Term Debt 3881 4613 5049 5535 Long Term Debt 3881 4613 5049 5535 Capital Lease Obligations – – – – Total Debt 5502 4879 5353 6169 Deferred Income Tax – – – – Minority Interest – – – – Other Liabilities, Total 2057 2150 1641 1718 Total Equity 25627 25329 24694 24248 Redeemable Preferred Stock, Total – – – – Preferred Stock – Non Redeemable, Net – – – – Common Stock, Total 23286 23286 23286 23286 Additional Paid-In Capital 24 24 24 24 Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) 2414 2119 1491 1024 Treasury Stock – Common – – – – ESOP Debt Guarantee – – – – Unrealized Gain (L oss) – – – – Other Equity, Total -97 -100 -107 -86 Total Liabilities Shareholders’ Equity 42312 40814 39236 39062 Total Common Shares Outstanding 1157.07 1157.07 1157.07 1157.07 Source: Wesfarmers Ltd (WES) Revenue Growth Year over year, Wesfarmers Limited has been able to grow revenues from A$54.5B AUD to A$57.7B AUD. Most impressively, the company has been able to reduce the percentage of sales devoted to cost of goods sold from 67.75% to 67.26%. This was a driver that led to a bottom line growth from A$1.9B AUD to A$2.1BAUD. This report on Internationalization and Global Expansion of Westfarmers limited was written and submitted by user Ellen Sharpe to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Television - In living Color essays

Television - In living Color essays Everything people eat, wear, or use is pushed at the public through commercial advertising. Whether it is the fertilizer that the farmer chooses to put on the vegetables he grows, the clothing that is chosen at the department store, or the pen to write a report, it has been advertised. Advertising occurs even in the packaging of a product. From the colors the manufacturer chooses to use on the wrapping, to the multi-million dollar expense of television, everyone is influenced by advertising. One of the most powerful forms of advertising is in the advent of television. Since its inception, advertisers have viewed television as their most powerful tool. Television provides an excellent avenue for companies to sell and promote their products. There are fewer and fewer people living today who were around when television was not. Today's generation was raised entirely on television! Since the 1940's, television has been an important part of American life. Television is able to sell products like no other medium can. This incredible power of television comes from three specific areas: an inordinate amount of time spent in front of the television, it's ability to target a specific audience, and it's ability to attack the viewer on both the auditory and visual field. The time spent in front of a television continues to grow with each generation. The number of hours a child spends in front of a television is rapidly overtaking even the number of hours that they will spend in school. Included in their weekly television viewing are an extraordinary amount of commercial messages. Before entering school, young children will have formed many of their beliefs of what is good by the commercials they have viewed. Due to the number of hours spent watching television, advertisers use the concept of repetition to "promote goods, services, ideas, images, issues, people, and indeed anything...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Comma in Punctuation

The Comma in Punctuation A comma is a  punctuation mark  that separates elements and ideas within a sentence. The comma is the most common mark of punctuation- and the most commonly misused. In his  Time magazine essay,  In Praise of the Humble Comma, author and essayist Pico Iyer compared the  punctuation mark to a flashing yellow light that asks us only to slow down. Knowing when to insert that flashing light (the comma)  and when is it better to let the sentence ride on without interruption is a conundrum that challenges even the most expert of writers. Learning a few simple rules can help you master when to use a comma and when to omit it. How to Use Commas Correctly Place a comma in front of any coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor, or, so, and yet) that joins two independent clauses  in a compound sentence. Author  Maya Angelou  used this example of a comma before a coordinating conjunction in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: I sliced onionsNote how Angelous sentence contains two independent clauses- each could stand on its own as a sentence- but the author, instead, decided to join them with the coordinating conjunction  and, which was preceded with a comma. If the two independent clauses are short, however, you can usually omit the comma: Jimmy rode his bike and Jill walked. In most cases, do  not  use a comma before a conjunction that links two words or phrases: Jack  and  Diane sang  and  danced all night. In a Series Use commas to separate words and phrases in a series of three or more: Everyone  Use a  comma to separate  adjectives  that are  coordinate  (adjectives that are interchangeable before or after a  noun): The books are You can tell whether adjectives are coordinate by inserting the conjunction  and  between them. If the sentence makes sense, the adjectives are coordinate and should be separated by commas. By contrast,  cumulative adjectives- two or more  adjectives  that build on one another and together  modify  a  noun- are generally  not  separated by  commas: I wrote in a After an Introductory Clause To signal a pause, use a comma after an introductory word, phrase, or clause: Use a comma after a  phrase  or  clause  that precedes the  subject  of the sentence: Lacking brothers and sistersIf the introductory element doesnt require a pause, you can usually omit the comma To Set Off Phrases Use commas to set off  interrupting phrases  and  nonrestrictive elements- words, phrases, or clauses that provide  added (though not essential) information to a sentence. For example: He sat back in his chairBut dont use commas to set off words that directly affect the essential meaning of the sentence: Your manuscript is both good and original. But the part  Other Uses for Commas Use a comma between the day and year in a date, in numbers greater than 999 (except in street addresses and years), and between the city and state in a location: The last time I was there was Jan. 8, 2008.The house is located at 1255 Oak Street, Huntsville, Ala.He had 1,244,555 marbles in his collection.In the year 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. When a phrase refers to a month, day, and year, set off the year with a comma, says The Associated Press Stylebook, 2018: Feb. 14, 2020, is the target date The Oxford, or Serial, Comma The  Oxford  comma, also called the serial comma, precedes the  conjunction  before the final item in a list of three or more items. It is usually optional and is generally  not  used when only  two  parallel  items are connected by a conjunction:  faith and charity: This song was composed by Moe, Larry, and  Curly. Though the  AP Stylebook  is a notable exception, most American  style guides  recommend using the serial comma for the sake of  clarity  and consistency. In contrast, most British style guides discourage use of the serial comma unless the items in the series would be confusing without it. As Joan I. Miller says in The Punctuation Handbook: Nothing is gained by omitting the final comma in a  list, while clarity can be lost in some cases through misreading. The Oxford comma is so called because it has traditionally been used by editors and printers at Oxford University Press. New Englanders may favor the term  Harvard comma  (the convention is also followed by Harvard University Press). Commas and Meaning The comma can alter the  meaning of a sentence, says  Noah Lukeman in A Dash of Style: The Art and Mastery of Punctuation. Consider: The windows with the glass treatment are holding up well.The windows, with the glass treatment, are holding up well. In the latter sentence, the windows are holding up well because of the glass treatment, says Lukeman. In the former, the windows, which were treated with a glass treatment, are holding up well in general. The entire meaning of the sentence changes, simply due to the comma placement, he notes. Source Miller, Joan I. The Punctuation Handbook. Paperback, Wipf Stock Pub, 1683.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Recycling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recycling - Essay Example For example, there are several similarities and differences of recycling between China and Australia when viewed in the lines of legislations guiding recycling, recycling of e-wastes, and water recycling. reports that the Chinese government passed legislations that intended to scrap progressive pricing of water since the consumption level of each household was unknown. Chinese law also proposed to boost sustainable development through energy saving and reducing discharge of waste products ( Similar legislations apply to the Australian laws that help the country to manage environmental pollution. According to Recycling International, the government of China formulated a law to govern the recycling of e-wastes. Australia does not only have laws governing the recycling of e-wastes but also regulates the amount of e-waste exports to China. The law commands for license and taxes to the individual manufactures of the electrical appliances. This move was to address the problem of increased destruction of electrical appliances by specific companies and individuals. The Chinese government established laws that regulate the pricing of water to consumers to avoid undu e exploitation of consumers. In addition, China formulated laws that enable the government to regulate the use of energy and pollutant emissions. China legislations on recycling encourage innovation in recycling technology through fund allocations to such projects. In addition, Chinese legislation on recycling provides tax relief to enterprises that use energy conserving technologies in their recycling processes. The Australian government passed a legislation that worked to regulate the exportation and importation of hazardous wastes as well as to ensure safe disposal for the protection of human life. The Australian law also advocated for issuance of certificates to individuals who intend to import or export hazardous wastes. The

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Is fairtrade beneficial to producers and farmers in developing Essay

Is fairtrade beneficial to producers and farmers in developing countries - Essay Example However, fair Trade USA which was formerly under Fairtrade international label left the label and begun implementing a different labeled scheme and included all crops and estates as well as individual smallholder farmers This paper focuses on the analysis of Fairtrade and holds the view that Fairtrade is not beneficial to farmers and producers in the developing countries. As will be evident in this paper, while Fairtrade report a substantial increment in year to year trade, these increments in profits do not cascade down to farmers and producers because of several factors related to inefficiency in marketing and distribution of products in the developing countries. As stated by Griffiths (2012 p.369), the sales of Fairtrade international certified products totaled to approximately 98 billion United states dollars which represent 22 percent increment compared to the previous year. However, Fairtrade does not give a breakdown of how much of these sales reach the producers in developing countries. Moreover Fairtrade does not reveal how much of these figures are from the extra prices charged for Fairtrade goods. Inefficient marketing system is one of the major factors that have resulted into lack of benefits to farers and producers. Fairtrade emphasizes on selling through monopolist cooperatives which are most of the times corrupt and inefficient (Griffiths, 2012 p. 370). It is also important to note that some private traders are more efficient than the cooperatives. In this regard it is also very difficult for the members of a cooperative to switch even if the cooperative is being mismanaged or when a cooperative is being bankrupt especially when they want to attain fair trade status. Fairtrade is also inefficient since it goes against the free market ideal of certain economies. Griffiths (2012 p. 268), refers to Fairtrade as a â€Å"misguided attempt to make up for the market failures.† This is because deviation from free market result into

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Set Goals and Motivate Yourself to Actually Achieve Them Essay Example for Free

How to Set Goals and Motivate Yourself to Actually Achieve Them Essay While spending time thinking about the goal in my life, the only one answer coming up in my mind is to achieve success. But what exactly the word ‘success’ should be defined? Thinking considerably, there are at least two fundamental achievements in life that inspire people. One is to be rich, while another one is to be famous. Though these two words are somehow closely related if you think about the celebrities who are famous and rich at the same time, there are some others who only have high recognition but not rich, such as Mother Teresa who devoted her whole life doing charity for the poor. Therefore, the topic that I am really interested in is about whether to be rich or to be famous is the key word for success. However, I will approach the topic by saying that to be famous is the first priority in order to gain success. Because being famous and being rich are both signs leading to success, comparing its similarities is not that useful. Therefore, the style of this essay will be a contrast instead. What I expect from contrasting their difference is that the readers will realize being famous is the sustainable way to achieve success rather than being rich. In other words, money cannot be used to buy the fame. Though being rich is another sign of success, without being famous, one can be forgotten easily. On the other hand, being famous is eternally recognized by people. Even if they died, the world still praise and remind of their accomplishments. By standing on this opinion, people will not just look forward to making money, but will try themselves on inventing new things, creating beautiful arts, and doing whatever they are interested to become well-known by others and then succeed in their lives. The essay will convince the readers to believe that the key word to success should start from being famous and will prove that it is true by giving examples about people who were quite poor but famous and successful in their lives. The contrast topic will be controlled differently in each paragraph depending on famous area of those people. I plan to include three content paragraphs with three following people: Ghandi (Politics), Van Goh(Arts), and Mother Teresa(Religion). As a result, this essay is worthy to compose because it will be such a good lesson to teach children or even adults to understand the regular basis of being successful in life. Trying to be famous is the first step to achieve sustainable success.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pearl Harbor Essay -- American History World War 2 WWII

"Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan." Exactly as Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed in his speech to Congress, December 7th would indeed live in infamy. Pearl Harbor was the most pivotal foreign affairs incident for the United States since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Not only was it significant domestically, it had resounding consequences across the globe. It has lived on as one of the single most tragic events on United States soil. Early Warnings The United States had received many warnings stating there would be an attack on Pearl Harbor. In October, the Soviets top spy, Richard Sorge, informed Kermlin that Pearl Harbor would be attacked in sixty days. Moscow had then informed him that this had been passed on to the United States. The United States completely ignored all references to an attack on Pearl Harbor. On December 6th at 9:30pm, Roosevelt had read the first thirteen parts of the decoded declaration of war that the Japanese had sent to us. The document stated "This means war." This is when Roosevelt decided that it was time to proclaim war on Japan. Unfortunately, his decision did not reach Pearl Harbor in any helpful form before it was too late. Pearl Harbor has remained a controversial topic for these very same reasons. Franklin Delano Roosevelt has been blamed for not recognizing the seemingly obvious threats, but recently; a different take on the situation has surfaced. Historians have allowed for the possibility that Roosevelt was prevented from taking action by Congress. Some evidence to support this is an account by Harry Hopkins of the President'... ...concentration camps. These people were taken mainly from the west coast, apparently in case Japan invaded. Upon entering, they were searched, and stripped of any cameras or anything that might be construed as a weapon. Personal belongings were often taken, as well. Despite this, it is not often that you will hear a discussion of the American concentration camps during a history class in the United States. Conclusion Over the years, Pearl Harbor and all things surrounding it have been a controversial and sometimes tense subject. Some people would insist that FDR was a war-monger who could be held directly responsible for the loss of American lives. Others would say that he simply faced the facts. Both groups would be forced to agree that this country, indeed, this entire world, would be a much different place if the Japanese had not made their fateful sneak attack.

Monday, November 11, 2019

All Ur Needs IT Report

  All Ur Needs is a chain of three shops located in two villages which is owned by two brothers. They also have an office over the larger two stores. The current system used by the brothers and staff is a manual paper based system except for some word processing and spreadsheets. The brothers have decided to fully implement a computerised system to gain all the benefits of IT. The aim of this report is recommending how the business should proceed with its expansion into the world of IT.Requirements for new system As the brothers have decided to change to a computerised system, specialist hardware and software will need to be recommended, purchased, installed, maintained and the staff will need to be trained including the brothers. The system should cover stock control and re-ordering, payroll, accounts and EFTPOS. Also the brothers want an online ordering system. A fully networked computer system will be required to allow data sharing, privacy, communication and internet connectivi ty.This will involve purchasing computers which are networked, networking hardware, selecting which network to set up. The network will also be over the internet so all three centres will be connected. Other hardware that will be recommended is eftpos machines to allow the business to take chip and pin. Software will also be recommended for stock control, accounts, payroll, and office software for general office duties like word processing. A web designer will be recommended for the business to move into online ordering.Lastly there will be a report on RFID’s explaining all the functionality and possibilities together with advantages and limitations. Networks and hardware The three centres will have to be interconnected to allow easy sharing of data, stock control and communication and any other business tasks. The main solution is to create a network using computers and a server. Also an internet connection will be needed to allow networking over a geographical area, in this case the third shop in the nearby village of Apenury.The business will need four computers, three for the shops and one for the office. These computers will not be expensive as the business does not need high performance computers except for the server, however as the brothers and staff don’t know much about computers it will be necessary to purchase installation and training which could be costly. Solution to hardware purchasing will be recommended along with justifications, the following hardware would be necessary to create a fully networked computer system.– Server: a computer or device on a network that manages network resources, the business will only need one lower power server as only a few user will be connected to the network – Processor: the processor is the brains of the computer, the processor is where most of the calculations take place and it is the most important element of a computer. The business would not need a high performance processor as they wont be performing demanding tasks, however the server may need a more powerful processor to manage the network efficiently – Ram: random access memory is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly.The business would only need 128 to 256 of ram to perform the day to day tasks of a business, however more memory would make the computer run more faster, memory can be easily be upgraded as the business grows – Hard drive: the mechanism that reads and writes data on a hard disk. The business would only need between 40 and 60 GB of hard disk space as they wont have large amount of data – DVD/RW: a re-recordable DVD format similar to CD/RW, the data on a dvd/rw can easily be erased and recorded numerous times without damaging the medium. The business would need dvd/rw to back up data if there is a disaster or data loss.– Monitor (tft): a type of LCD flat panel display screen, the tft provides the best resolution of all flat panel techniques. Fl at panel displays are quiet expensive, but it is recommended for the business as they are ergonomic. The business will only need a 15 inch size monitor. – Graphics card: a board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities. The business wont need a graphics card as it will come integrated with the motherboard and graphics cards are only need when running demanding tasks like multimedia software.– Mouse: a device that controls the movement of the cursor on a display screen. A standard mouse will come with the computer. – Keyboard: a standard keyboard will come with the computer – Hub: A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. This will be required to connect all the computers to the server; this will come with the server. – Motherboard: the man circuit board of a computer where all devices connect to. The business won’t need an expensive motherboard, just th e one that is compatible with the processor.– Network card: an expansion card you insert into a computer so computers can connect to the network, there will be a network slot on the computers so they can be connected – Printer: it is recommended that the business get a laser printer as it is cheaper in the long run instead of an ink jet printer, they may need a colour printer because of graphs etc. printer can also be connected to the network so they can be shared. A network is a communication system, a collection of resources, objects and people.Any two or more interconnected computer systems can be described as a network. A network improves communications, share resources and there is more efficiency. It is recommended that the business use a metropolitan area network, this is where different sites are connected. This is because there is a shop is Apenury which needs to be connected. The two shops and office should be connected through a local area network as they ar e on one site. The type of network that is recommended is a client/server network where multiple workstations are connected to one or more servers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Narrative Inquiry on the Life History of Betty Siegel

Known for her outstanding achievement in educational policy, Dr. Betty Lentz Siegel was the longest serving female president at Kennesaw State University. In 1981, she assumed the position at Kennesaw State University, which then was a four-year college institution with 4,000 students and 15 baccalaureate degree programs. Under her tutelage, Kennesaw State University achieved its university status with more than 18,000 student enrollees and 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs (online Golden Key International Honour Society International).It was her vision and leadership that brought the educational institution to its current university status focusing on teamwork through the creation of strong administrative teams and group interaction. With her guidance, the institution implemented several initiatives and high profile activities that created opportunities and recognition of the institution in the local and state communities. In the book Searching for Academic Excellence: T wenty Colleges and Universities on the Move and their Leaders, Dr.Siegel was in a limelight in her accomplishment for Kennesaw State University (online Golden Key International Honour Society International). In her 25 years of service in the institution, Kennesaw State University received numerous recognition and awards for its outstanding achievements (online Golden Key International Honour Society International). Its awards are as follows: †¢ 1987, chosen as one of the top three college colleges and universities in its nationwide competition focusing on â€Å"The President and the Public† by the Council of Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)†¢ 1989 – 1991, Kennesaw State also caught public attention as the US News and World Report acknowledges Kennesaw State’s exemplary programs in minority recruitment and retention, leadership programs for faculty, staff, administrators and students, and international initiatives. US News and World Report di stinguishes Kennesaw State as the country’s â€Å"up and comers† and â€Å"rising stars† in the South’s regional institutions. †¢ 2003, KSU received recognition to become one of twelve founding institution included in the program entitled Foundation of Excellence in the First College Year of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.In addition, this recognition also gave KSU the needed funding to pursue the projects of the RTM Institute for Leadership, Ethics Characters, which Dr. Siegel is the Endowed Chair. †¢ 2006, US News and World Report ranked KSU as number one among the 25 educational institution known for their learning community programs. In addition, the magazine highlights the school’s first year freshman experience program. Academic Background Behind the outstanding accomplishment of KSU is Dr. Siegel’s utmost leadership, dedication, and commitment to education. Dr. Siegel’s academic areas of e xpertise include child psychology and administration.Her outstanding academic achievement also marks her commitment for continuous learning. She received her Ph. D from Florida State University, A Masters in Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a B. A. n English and History from Wake Forest University and an Associate of Arts from Cumberland College. She also has received her two-year post-doctoral study in Clinical Child Psychology at Indiana University. She holds honorary doctorates from Cumberland College in Kentucky, Miami University in Ohio, Eastern Kentucky University, Lynchburg College, Morehead State University, and Southern Connecticut State University.Professional accomplishments Dr. Siegel had been an accomplished educational administrator even before coming to Kennesaw State. She started as a faculty member for several universities such as Indiana University and Lenoir-Rhyne College. And in 1967, she taught at the University of Florida. In 1971 , she became the first woman Dean of Academic Affairs for Continuing Education at the University of Florida. She moved to Western Carolina University in the School of Education and Psychology in 1976 and was also the first woman to hold the position of academic dean for the University.In 1981, she came to Kennesaw State where she has started several programs and later became the first female president. Dr. Siegel was also co-founded and co-directed a non-profit organization chartered in North Carolina since 1982. She worked with an esteemed colleague Dr. William Purkey in establishing International Alliance for Invitational Education. The organization currently has more than 12,000 members of different professionals from over twelve countries, who seek to apply the concepts of invitational education to their personal and professional lives (online International Alliance of Invitational Education).In 1999, the Center for Invitational Leadership was created to advance the model of inv itational education by offering opportunities for professional to participate in leadership development programs. Its mission is to â€Å"to enhance lifelong learning, to promote positive change in organizations, to cultivate the personal and professional growth and satisfaction of educators and allied professionals, and to enrich the lives of human beings, personally and professionally. † (online Radford University’s Center for Invitation Leadership). Moreover, with the high-regards to the accomplishments of Dr.Siegel, she has delivered keynote addresses at hundreds of national, regional, and state conferences throughout United States, Puerto Rico and ten other foreign countries and has lectured for over 120 colleges and universities around the world. She is an internationally- and nationally-known lecturer and motivational speaker on leadership, educational issues, and the concerns of women. She has also served as a consultant to a wide range of businesses such as ed ucational institutions, businesses, non-profit organizations, health-care services, government and socio-civic groups (online Golden Key International Honour Society International).Public Service Dr. Siegel has also worked in community improvement programs of the government. In 1997, Governor Zell Miller appointed Dr. Siegel to represent the State of Georgia on the Southern Growth Policies Board’s 1998 Commission on the Future of the South. Prior to that, she also represented Governor Miller at the Presidents’ Summit of America’s Future held at Philadelphia in 1997. Currently, she has been appointed as to serve as member of Governor Perdue’s Commission for a New Georgia.Her work in the commission was largely publicized as she was the driving force behind the establishment of the Cobb Education Consortium. The Cobb Education Consortium was created to form a collaborative organization among the public educational institution â€Å"to combine the resources, energies, and talents of the member institutions to address areas of common concern in moving public education in Cobb Country from its current level of excellence to the exemplary level which will be needed to prepare students to become responsible leaders, capable workers, and well-rounded human beings.† (online Cobb Education Consortium) In addition, she also served as a chair of subcommittee on post-secondary options for the Georgia P-16 initiative. The initiative aims to a comprehensive and collaborative statewide effort aimed at raising expectations and ensuring student success from pre-school through post-secondary education. The initiative is different than other educational reform efforts because it impacts the entire educational spectrum—not just the parts. (online University System of Georgia)Lastly, she initiated the Northwest Crescent Alliance between the three private colleges and three public institutions. The alliance was formed to develop programs of c ollaboration in economic development, enhancement of the arts, the preservation of Southern/Appalachian culture and history, and the development and promotion of community leadership. (online Northwest Crescent Leadership Alliance) Publications Dr. Siegel has recently co-published with Dr. Purkey entitled Becoming an Invitational Leader. The book offers a fresh and innovative model based on a single theoretical framework.It deviates from the traditional control and dominance model of leadership to one that focuses on connectedness, cooperation and communication. This model has been adopted in the International Alliance for Invitational Education and had been applied in numerous fields including administration, business, nursing, dentistry, counseling, and other professions. Purpose of the Study Successful and well-established teacher on leadership, Dr. Siegel’s life history has been a model for many aspiring leaders. She not only teaches about leadership, but she has embodied what she has taught.Her success has led to many researchers to examine what leadership truly is. Indeed, many have published life-stories and lessons on management’s leadership, but many have looked into it in lens following the theoretical framework of industrial management. The purpose of the study is to examine the perceptions of people surrounding the leadership during the tenure of Dr. Siegel at Kennesaw State University. We will looked at what people think within and outside Kennesaw State University’s phenomenal growth in relation to Dr. Siegel’s leadership.By examining the perceptions of Dr. Siegel in her tenure at Kennesaw State University, trends may emerge regarding leadership attitudes and/or leadership style. In undertaking this study using narrative inquiry, we hope to answer the following questions: 1. What are events and influences that formed Dr. Siegel’s mental model and invitational leadership theory? 2. What are the factors attracted and the perceptions students and alumni with Dr. Siegel’s leadership? 3. What is the value and contribution of Dr. Siegel to the understanding of leadership? Review of Related LiteratureIn the book Telling Women’s Lives: Narrative Inquiries in the history of Women’s Education, Weiler and Middleton (1999) explored the broader questions of gender and power through education. They have in discussing the stories of women as teachers come across on topics of education bureaucracies, material condition of women teachers, and the ways concepts of gender and sexuality have shaped experiences of men and women in the educational state. Indeed, women had not been fairly represented in the leadership of educational institution. Dr. Siegel has been an exception and as our purpose is to understand the success of Dr.Siegel’s, we looked at it in a different lens of leadership framework. We undertake this study using narrative inquiry to understand further the leadership model of Dr. Siegel. General Presupposition on Narrative Inquiry Stories have always been a way to pass on tradition and history of a nation. People love to tell and listen to stories. It is way we communicate and more importantly a way we understand people and events. Hardy (1986) has described narrative as a basic mode of thought, and Brunner (1986) described it as a way of organizing knowledge.Cultures are created and traditions are transferred from generation to generation through narratives. It is through narratives that individuals and society expresses their world views and provide models of identity and agency to their members (Brunner 1996). Narrative inquiry differs from more traditional uses of narrative education, that is, from didactic and strategic uses of narrative. Conle et al. (2000) argues that narrative inquiry retains these qualities in two areas: (1) for research, and (2) for professional development. Narrative in ResearchPolkinghorne (1988) defined narrative as the process that humans use to make sense of their experiences. It is through the application of language and personal reflection that people are able to continually construct and reconstruct significant events in their life and gain a deeper insight of their experiences. Atkinson (1998) argues that people arrange their experiences in a manner that make sense of the events and places the seemingly chaotic world in a coherent order. Thus, narratives are the process by which people make meaning of their own experiences. Denzin (1989) describes narratives as simply stories.Polkinghorne (1988) suggests that these stories convey the organizational scheme used to make meaning out of experiences. Very similar to any story, narratives are thematically organized around a central plot. It in the theme, organization, and the play of language of story that meaning and knowledge is drawn out. That is, we learn and gain insights in the temporal relational nature of the author’s reconstruc tion of events (Polkinghorne 1995). Narratives convey an understanding of environmental and interpersonal context, temporal sequence, and affective domain of the story.Polkinghorne (1995) offered the simple example of the sentence: â€Å"The king died; the price cried. † Taken in isolation, each adequately describes an event. Understood as a narrative story, with a temporal relationship and context, these two sentences describe a son’s response to the loss of his father. They convey emotion and evoke empathy. Conle (2000) describes the two purposes of narratives: (1) to convey meaning to others from unrelated events into a thematic story (Polkinghorne 1995), and (2) to convey norms and values to newcomers on a cultural or community level (Mattingly 1991).Narratives, therefore, are both the process of constructing and reconstructing events into organized schemes and the resulting that conveys the scheme (Polkinghorne 1988). Further, Polkinghorne (1988) explains that nar ratives can be used to either describe or explain an event. Descriptive narrative inquiry reports and interprets existing narratives. Descriptive narrative research describes what underlies the values and assumptions of people within a community by examining several narratives for similarities and themes.Explanatory narratives seek to explain why something happened or to explain an event. It, thus, looks narrative accounts for connections between events and actions that led to a particular occurrence. To put it more succinctly, it looks for casual connection between antecedents and events. Narrative research uses linguistic data in attempt to understand empirical reality from the perspective of the teller. It uses the resulting story to understand the organizational scheme the teller used to make sense of his or her world.In narrative research, then, it is not only the content of the story that helps in understanding the experience, but the way the story is constructed that reveals more about the experience. It therefore looks at the study of ways humans experience the world (Connelly and Clandinin 1990). Thus, narrative research begins with the narrator’s story, but moves the research toward interpretation. Denzin (1989) suggests that interpretation allows researchers to look for and connects patterns of meaning and experience in the respondent’s narratives.Bloom (1998) furthers this discussion by asserting that by connecting patterns and meaning and experiences of respondents, the researcher are able to draw from a wide array of theories to set forth his/her interpretation. Furthermore, Atkinson (1998) advises researchers to examine the respondent’s narratives for ordering of events. Context is revealed by understanding the emotions and values conveyed in the narrative. However, Feldman et al. (1990) cautions researchers on the need to scrutinize the respondent’s use of metaphors, irony, and other rhetorical devices as it may resu lt to misinterpretation.It is therefore, important to understand and gain insight into the mental state of the respondent in order to fully interpret the story. More importantly, the end result should be a synthesis of several stories into one thematic narrative. Interest in the use of narrative research has strong precedents in other fields such as in Psychology, Anthropology, and Educational Research. They use narrative as a medium of data representation and as a guide in the development of methodologies, if they did not want to lose the temporal quality and contextual detail of what they were studying (Fenstermacher 1994).They view narratives as a metaphor for human conduct (Sarbin 1986). Narrative, thus, did not stay confined to data representation, but became an entire mode of inquiry where data analysis and final documents did not have to relinquish their narrative quality. Dewey’s work on time, experience, and sociality had been central for narrative inquiry, which con sists of experiential stories that combine the social and the personal (Dewey 1904).It is these experiential stories without abandoning the particular, the contextual, and the complex events that the inquiry attempts to give voice to tacitly held personal knowledge of the respondents (Polanyi 1966; Schwab 1970). This personal knowledge has practical function or serves as an instrument in order for the researcher to evaluate and explain previously determined outcomes on the subject’s deliberations, intuitive decisions, daily action and moral wisdom. Narrative inquiry, therefore works best in getting such ‘practical knowledge’.In fact, MacIntyre (1981) promotes narratives for the study of practices, of lives and of traditions. The methodology allows the researcher to recover the moral qualities of all aspects of the subject’s contemporary lives, qualities that he sees as practically and theoretically lost. Micheal Connelly’s concept of personal, pract ical knowledge (Connelly and Diennes 1982) combined Polanyi’s sense of the personal with Schwab’s notion of the practical and MacIntyre’s moral intent.Connelly later saw the construction of narrative accounts of experiences as the perfect medium for the study of personal practical knowledge (Connelly and Clandinin 1982). Benefits Narrative Inquiry Conle (1997) notes that the most important contribution that narrative inquiry is a language that implicitly forces the issues of open-ended meanings and of the ‘constitutedness’ of identities, both ethnic and narrator’s identities. Narratives are about temporal events and tell us where and when something happens, in which contexts, who said what to whom, with which feelings and in what mood, and under which moral constraints.Such contextualization on the surface seems to convey facts, but it also potentially subjuntivizes these ‘facts’. If generalization do not accompany the specifics, narrative contextualization limits the factual to the ‘once only’ and to the reliability of observation made by a specific observer at one particular time. If the temporal quality of narrative inquiry is heeded, the tentativeness of conclusions and the open-endedness of stories will prevail. These are much-needed qualities in pluralist societies.It is the open-endedness that allows readers the ability to further interpret and understand the contextual framework of such actions (Conle 2000). Nonetheless, Berstein (1992) cautions that it is equally crucial for a narrative inquiry not to contribute to the rampant relativism, especially more moral relativism and should not deviate against reason. Such relativism can reduce the instrumental rationality of the research and can hinder the ability to draw insights especially in intercultural settings.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Essay Example

The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Essay Example The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Paper The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Paper How did beer lead to the development of metropoliss in Mesopotamia and Egypt? Grains grew widespread in the Fertile Crescent ( The crescent shaped country which had an ideal clime and dirt for turning workss and raising farm animal. it stretches from Egypt. up the Mediterranean seashore to Turkey. and so down once more to the boundary line between Iraq and Iran. ) doing the unwilled find of beer. The Fertile Crescent’s highly rich dirt was suited for the growing of cereal grains after the last ice age. which occurred around 10. 000 BCE. Hunter-gatherers were drawn to the cereal grains and. the ability to maintain the grains for long periods of clip stimulated them to remain. If they hunter-gatherers could boom of off the wild grain if they were willing to remain near it and reap at its extremum. After the hunter-gatherers had spent so much clip roll uping the grain they would hold been loath to go forth the grain that they had collected nor could they travel with it. For this ground hunter-gatherers began to settle on the land. These colonists shortly found that the grain could be stockpiled for long periods of clip without botching. The engineering of these colonists was still in development so storage infinites were non normally watertight. and when the H2O got into the reserve of the collected grains they started to shoot and acquired a sweet gustatory sensation. Therefore going malted grains. When gruel. which is made of poached malted grains. was left to sit for a twosome of yearss it undertakes an interesting transmutation. It becomes a cheerily intoxicating and somewhat bubbly liquid. as the barms from the gruel turn it to alcohol. The cereal grains used to do beer was frequently used as an edible currency. because everyone needed it. Peoples traded and sold it. doing the development and enlargement of metropoliss. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 3 A ; 4 Question 1 Describe the function that wine dramas in Greek or Roman society in relation to societal position. Wine had become available in Mesopotamia in really little measures in 870 BCE. The cost of transporting vino from the mountains down to civilisation. in the fields. made it highly expensive. Almost 10 times more expensive than the more common drink- beer. Wine was considered an alien and foreign drink. Merely the sole few could afford to imbibe and the chief usage was spiritual. When it was available. its high monetary value and scarceness made it a drink worthy of the Gods. Most people neer tasted it. Wine became more stylish in Mesopotamian society. but it neer became wildly low-cost outside wine-producing countries. For the Greeks vino imbibing was synonymous with civilisation and polish. What sort of vino you drank. and its age. indicated how civilized you were. Wine was preferred over beer. all right vinos were preferred over ordinary 1s. and older vinos over younger 1s. What mattered even more was how you behaved when you drank it. The Grecian pattern of blending vino and H2O was therefore a in-between land between savages who over-indulged and those who did non imbibe at all. The difference between affluent and humble Romans was in the contents of their vino spectacless. For affluent Romans. the ability to acknowledge and call the finest vino was an of import signifier of conspicuous ingestion ; it showed that they were rich plenty to afford the finest vinos and had spent clip larning which was which. The richest Romans drank the finest vinos and poorer people drank lesser vintages. Appreciation of different vinos began with the Greeks. and the nexus between the type of vino and the societal position of the drinker was strengthened by the Romans. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapters 5 A ; 6 Question 1 Explain how Alcohol is related to the African slave trade. African slaves were traded in exchange for European goods. The most pursued good was alcohol in add-on. other goods were needed and utile. Peoples liked the feeling they got from the ingestion of intoxicant. non because of the gustatory sensation. Liquors became popular because the ingestion of liquors got people more intoxicated faster. Another ground liquors became popular was because they contained a higher intoxicant content which acted as a preservative that allowed the liquors to be kept for long periods of clip. They could besides be shipped in slighter bundles. The settlers needed slaves to work on the farms that grew the ingredients for liquors. Settlers foremost tried to capture their ain slaves. but failed. They so decided to import African slaves. Sugar and grain industries. the chief industries involved in doing intoxicant. were greatly dependent on on slave labour. Most slave bargainers drank imported intoxicant ; they didn’t even imbibe Western beers. It was more noteworthy than their ain grain based beers and palm vinos and it shortly became a differentiation of slave bargainers. Slave bargainers preferred intoxicant. specifically spirits. but besides frequently recognized fabrics. bowls. shells. jugs. and sheets or Cu in exchange for slaves. More and more slaves were bought as more and more liquors were in demand. The slaves grew and harvested the stuffs to do alcohol- sugar and barley. Bing slaves they were non paid. which saved tonss of money for the husbandmans. Having slaves alternatively of paid workers allows for more net income. which put more money into the economic system. This allowed Europe to go more modern. industrial. and expanded. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 7 A ; 8 Question 1 Compare and contrast coffee’s credence in society in its early phases to beer. vino. or liquors. Beer wasn’t needfully accepted in society. more that it built society taking to its credence. Peoples came together to turn the ingredients of beer. When beer was foremost made it was extremely accepted among the bulk of people. It was the first alcoholic drink ; People enjoyed the bombilation it gave so and idea of it as a trade name new category of drinks. Wine nevertheless. was non as speedy to go popular. It was extremely expensive so common citizens couldn’t afford it. If beer was available most people would imbibe it over wine because of the cost. Merely the sole few could afford to imbibe and the chief usage was spiritual. Liquors ( modern twenty-four hours spirits ) nevertheless were wildly accepted. Peoples loved liquors. They were in such high demand that people were purchasing them faster than they were being made. Unlike beer or vino people could acquire imbibe on smaller measures of liquors. Liquors were besides slightly habit-forming. to the point where people would take a shooting with breakfast every forenoon. Coffee was accepted in a different manner. Peoples liked java because it was an alternate to alcohol. They could imbibe it in the forenoon with their breakfast alternatively of intoxicant or H2O. Water was insecure to imbibe because it had a inclination to be contaminated. Coffee was known as the great soberer because unlike intoxicant its effects made you more awake and qui vive as opposed to alcohol’s elating consequence. Most of these drinks were accepted because it was a new non-alcoholic esthesis. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 7 A ; 8 Question 2 Describe the function of java houses in society in Europe. Cafes. unlike the illicit taverns that sold intoxicant. were topographic points where respectable people could afford to be seen. Some governments didn’t approve of java houses. they said that were. â€Å"hotbeds of chitchat. rumour. political argument and satirical treatment. They were popular locales for cheat and backgammon. which were regarded as morally doubtful. Although cafes were originally accepted as meeting topographic points and beginnings of intelligence. they were shortly banned by Muslin bookmans. They argued that java had intoxicant effects and therefore was against the instructions of the prophesier Muhammad. After a few months. higher powers lifted the prohibition in some countries because no jurisprudence was really being broken. but they were still socially frowned upon for being topographic points of lay-a-bouts of chitchats associated. In other countries. java was considered an alien freshness and java houses spread highly rapidly. Cafes began to travel West from Great Britain to Amsterdam to The Hague and in that motion it regained its name of an rational tap house of peoples who were above alcoholic ingestion. As the java houses regained their respectful image. they began to distribute across Europe quickly. Where java houses burned in the great fire of London in 1666. twice every bit many were rebuilt as a program for commercial concern. Coffee houses attracted people of the working category because java had medical benefits of forestalling sleepiness. sore eyes. and coughs which improved concern production. Even though people were indulgent of java houses at first. they grew to go a cardinal factor in society. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 9 A ; 10 Question 1 Explain why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain. Richard Arkwright invented a new and more efficient attack to fabrication. therefore the industrial revolution began in Great Britain. Arkwright thought to utilize machine workers alternatively of human workers. This was a genius thought. because machines neer tire but worlds get tired finally. no affair their age. This besides provided a new occupation to replace the occupation that the machines replaced: running the machines. Arkwright created a manner for less clip and attempt to be used to make more work. Many of import exporting industries liked and adopted Arkwright’s doctrine shortly after he presented it. One of the chief industries was tea. Tea was originally a drink used to typify Great Britain as a civilizing. and hardworking power. But after Arkwright’s doctrine was put into action in the tea industry it rapidly became the premier export for Great Britain. So much teas was traded that it funded the edifice of British companies in India. Are you even still reading this because this is highly deadening. Tea was the fuel of workers in these British mills. and was being produced in mass measures. In a short sum of clip. tea became the 2nd most consumed drink in the universe. with lone H2O above it. With the sum of tea being sold. Great Britain was rapidly able to fund more and more mills to be built. These industuries went global and expanded trade further across the Earth. Great Britain shortly became the chief centre of industry in the Eastern hemisphere. More mills lead to more tea which lead to more workers which lead to more money. that was the doctrine being used. All of these industries-including tea- aided Great Britain in going a universe hardworking power. Bethany McDaniel AP Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 11 A ; 12 Question 1 Discuss how World War Two impacted the globalisation of Coca-Cola. In 1886 John Pemberton â€Å"invented† Coca-Cola. Pemberton ab initio sold Coca-Cola as a medicative sirup that eased concerns. This sirup sold. but it was more of a local redress. and non rather as popular vessel he would hold hoped. Pemberton was a fiddler. and he mixed this sirup with ‘bubbly water’ in order to make what is now known as the drink of America. By the terminal of 1895 one-year gross revenues had reached 76. 000 gallons and Coca-Cola was being sold in every province in America. Although Coca- Cola was being sold in several other states by the clip of the eruption of World War Two. As America mobilized the president of the Coca-Cola Company issued an order stating â€Å"every adult male in unvarying gets a bottle of Coca-Cola for five cents. wherever he is. and whatever it costs the company. † When he president of Coca-Cola said this it automatically linked Coke to nationalism and support for the war attempt. Transporting bottles of Coca-Cola halfway around the universe would be expensive and inefficient. So particular bottling workss and sodium carbonate fountains were established in the field. During the World War Two no less than 64 bottling workss were established around the universe and served about 10 billion drinks. Coca-Cola was made available to civilians near American bases overseas. many of whom developed a gustatory sensation for the drink. Peoples around the universe from Polynesians to Zulus. tasted Coca-Cola for the first clip during World War Two. The â€Å"Coca-Cola Colonels† helped distribute Coke across the universe through World War Two. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer Assignment Chapters 11 A ; 12 Question 2 Describe the function of Prohibition in the United States in the creative activity of Coca-Cola. In 1887. America was traveling to experiment with a prohibition of intoxicant. This was an inducement for Coca-Cola to acquire itself established so that its gross revenues could detonate. Alcohol was an highly popular American drink. but without intoxicant. people would be in hunt of another drink to imbibe as a replacement. This would hold been a great chance for Coca-Cola had it really happened. but the prohibition experiment was discontinued in November 1887. Initially. Coca- Cola had advertised itself as a drink with astonishing medicative benefits. for difficult working mean. The business communities at Coca-Cola shortly realized that working me could merely travel out and imbibe intoxicant if they were tired. so they changed their advertizements to demo how Coca-Cola was household friendly and reviewing. They decided that this could demo how it was an any-time of twenty-four hours drink. which adult females and kids could imbibe every bit good as working work forces. This helped set up the Coca- Cola concern because it was now geared toward a larger border of purchasers. With all of this go oning. Coca-Cola was a well-established concern when the prohibition was really enforced in the twelvemonth of 1920. During these 13 old ages of prohibition. the Coca-Cola gross revenues tripled. With no intoxicant to devour. people turned to the bubbly reviewing Coca-Cola drink as a replacement. After the prohibition was ended. people still continued to devour Coca-Cola because they had developed a gustatory sensation for it during the 13 old ages that America was dry. To most Americans the Prohibition was a bad thing. for the Coca-Cola Company it was a really profitable 13 plus old ages. Bethany McDaniel AP Summer 2012 Assignment Overall Analysis Questions 1. 2. 3 1. How do the six drinks chosen by Standage aid to explicate universe history? A History of the World in 6 Spectacless tells the narrative of humanity from the ancient times to the twenty-first century through the position of six drinks. All of the drinks Tom Standage chose symbolized of import alterations in universe history. Beer was foremost cultivated in the Fertile Crescent and by 3000 B. C. E. was highly of import to Mesopotamia and Egypt. it was even used for currency. In Greece vino became the chief export. assisting dispersed Grecian civilization abroad. Liquors such as rum and brandy fueled the Age of Exploration. fueling the malicious slave trade. Coffee encouraged radical idea in Europe during the Age of Reason. when cafes became centres of academic conversation. And 100s of old ages after the Chinese began imbibing tea. it became popular in Britain. Finally. carbonated drinks became a 20th-century phenomenon. and Coca- Cola in peculiar is the taking symbol of globalisation. 2. Describe morality in the Islamic World. The Muslim people were restrained by jurisprudence from imbibing alcohol- and java for a period of time- because it was considered immoral harmonizing to the Torah. 3. Tom Standage offers his sentiment for the following era’s specifying drink- H2O. With supreme wealth. engineering. and resources at our generation’s fingertips. more attempt must be devoted for all world to hold clean imbibing H2O. It’s an astonishing disproportion when 1000000s of Westerners are overzealous about bottled H2O when there are 100s of 1000000s around the universe who must walk more than 10 stat mis to acquire clean imbibing H2O ( if it is available at all ) .

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The El Nino Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction

The El Nino Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Often blamed for any and all out-of-the ordinary weather, El Nià ±o is a naturally occurring climate event  and the warm phase of the El Nià ±o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) during which sea surface temperatures in the eastern and equatorial Pacific Ocean are warmer than average. How much warmer? An increase of 0.5 C or more in average sea surface temperatures lasting 3 months in a row, suggest the onset of an El Nià ±o episode.   Meaning of the Name El Nià ±o means the boy, or male child, in Spanish and refers to Jesus, the Christ Child. It comes from South American sailors, who in the 1600s, observed the warming conditions off the Peruvian coast at Christmastime and named them after the Christ Child. El Nio Happens El Nià ±o conditions are caused by a weakening of the trade winds. Under normal circumstances, the trades drive surface waters towards the west; but when these die down, they allow the warmer waters of the western Pacific to seep eastward toward the Americas. Frequency, Length, and Strength of Episodes A major El Nià ±o event generally occurs every 3 to 7 years, and lasts for up to several months at a time. If El Nià ±o conditions will appear, these should begin to form sometime in the late summer, between June and August. Once they arrive, conditions typically reach peak strength from December to April, then subside from May to July of the following year. Events are categorized as either neutral, weak, moderate, or strong. The strongest El Nià ±o episodes occurred in 1997-1998 and 2015-2016. To date, the 1990-1995 episode is the longest-lasting on record. What El NioMeans For Your Weather Weve mentioned that El Nià ±o  is an ocean-atmosphere climate event, but how do warmer-than-average waters in the far-off tropical Pacific Ocean affect weather? Well, these warmer waters warm up the atmosphere above it. This leads to more rising air and convection.  This excess heating intensifies the Hadley circulation, which in turn, disrupts circulation patterns around the globe, including things like the position of the jet stream.   In this way, El Nià ±o  triggers a departure from our normal weather and rainfall patterns  including: Wetter-than-normal conditions along coastal Ecuador, northwestern Peru, southern Brazil, central Argentina, and equatorial eastern Africa (during the months of December, January, February); and over the inter-mountainous U.S. and central Chile (June, July, August). Drier-than-normal conditions over northern South America, Central America, and southern Africa (December, January, February); and over eastern Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines (June, July, August). Warmer-than-normal conditions in southeast Asia, southeast Africa, Japan, southern Alaska, and west/central Canada, SE Brazil, and SE Australia (December, January, February); and along South Americas west coast, and again SE Brazil (June, July, August). Cooler-than-normal conditions along the U.S. Gulf coast (December, January, February). Current El NioForecast As of Fall 2016, El Nià ±o is has weakened and ended and a La Nià ±a Watch  is now in effect. (This simply means that the ocean-atmosphere conditions look favorable for La Nià ±a to develop.)   To learn more about La Nià ±a (cooling of the ocean surface in the central and eastern tropical Pacific) read What is La Nià ±a.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Security Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Solution - Essay Example The critical point of the matter is that some of the company’s key competitors have already hacked the company’s strategies and that they are already using their techniques. No one knows anything about the source of the attack. However, the management is suspicious that some greedy employees could be associated with the attack and that they reveal vital information to its competitors. The network administrator of the ABC Company has limited understanding of attack methodologies while the company lacks valid security measures. Information regarding the company’s products, the raw materials available, quantity of finished goods, and their prices has been disclosed through a database which has been open for users from across the company. All company’s information has been easily accessible and modifiable by every user in the organization. This has been the key problem to the company security and has resulted to the attack and has lead to leaking and hacking o f data on their laptops. In order to protect the internal data of the company, adequate security measures should be taken with critical observation of the laid down strategies to ensure success in the attainment of security within the company (Essaaidi et al., 2006). The storage of data should be structured in an appendix whereby each department can have an access only to its information. A specific file saver should contain folders which contain specific information for each department with a ‘login’ option while personnel from a particular department should not be able to access information from another department’s folder. The encryption mechanism should be devised to ensure that data belonging to a particular user is accessible to that user only. The installed OS in the company computers should be updated with the latest patches and fixes while modification on information on each database should only be done by the head of department. Not even the network adm inistrator should have the right to modify information on the database but should, however, access the information in a ‘read only’ mode. In order to ensure that the computers are not accessed from outside the organization, which has greatly contributed to the hacking, the available OS in the computers should be updated and configured. The outdated OS present in the computers need to be updated to ensure that no outsider can access the computers. The company should also consider installing an anti-spyware tool. This tool monitors all activities on the computer. The tool can be accidentally installed within program downloads and other files while their use is often cruel. They can capture passwords credit card details as well as banking credentials and relay them back to cheaters. Anti-spyware will help in monitoring and protecting the computers from spyware threats and is free to update and use (Stamatellos, 2007).   On the implementation of the solutions, the organiz ation will require to inform all employees on the changes and possibly train the relevant authorities on how to operate the installed devices in their computers. The organization should also give briefings to all employees, department heads and the network administrators on the need to have such amendments at such a time. The briefings should be meant to declare the attack an organizational disaster which calls for responsibilities from all partners for its termination. The solutions would ensure that the c